Otunba Funsho Iteola Ajayi.
the Agba Akin of ljebu Ife,
Otunba Arijelove of ljebu
who derives his title from his
maternal root, the Adeleja family of
ipamuren (Pemu yemu) and
He is in many ways symbolic
of the Ajayi Jegede Family of their
many attributes, he is perhaps best
known for his ebullient personalty
his Indefatigable commitment to
Family, groups and society and his
deep broad sense of humour. Little
Wonder that he has been and still
remains the Secretary of the Ajayi
Jegede Family where he has
managed for many years to foster
a unity of purpose and a self-less
Commnitment to the welfare of all its
members in all works of life,
insickness and in health, in poverty
and in wealth.
But his energies transit beyond the
small family circle. Past-President
of Omo Olu-lwa Club (having
attended Olu-Iwa College ljebu-
Ode, from 1954-1958) Past
Chairman of Moderates Club, and
member of both lsiand and Yoruba
Tennis Clubs, Lagos past President
of Chairman Companion Society
and member of Fountain of Hope
Society. Cathedral Church of Our-
Saviour, ljebu-Ode, and a host of
others, community service is not
neglected by Otunba Arijeloye. He
is a member of the Awujale Palace
Building Committee where he also
serves on its technical Sub-
His nomination to serve on the
Palace Building committee and his
level of performance is not
unconnected with Otunba Funsho
Ajayi's basic training.
He studied in Northern Polvtechnic London
(19611966) where he became a Diplomat in
Electronics and Radio Engineering. e
broadened his experiencen
administration by working at the Nigerian
Railway Corporation between 1958-1961
and his technical education by serving in
the Federal Ministry of Transport and
Aviation between 1966 and 1969.
He joined
the Nigerian army as a Signal Officers in
1979m so much was packed into his ten
years of service in the Armny, course at Royal
School of Signals Branford U. K,. Nigeria
Military Training School, Jaji, Nigerian
Institute of Management, University of
Laval, Quebec, Canada and his onerous
responsibility included being a Technical
instructor at the Nigeria Army School of
Signals. Deputy Commander of the 2
Division Signal Regiment, Commanding
Officer at the Signals Technical workshops
Those energies knowledge and
experience finally exploded on the private
sector which today have found successful
expression in Rural Electrification projects
(Skoda Electrical Works limited), Building
construction (Rosh-View Nigeria Limited),
and hospitality business, (F&G, Hotels and
Suites). Otunba Funsho Iteola Ajayi, Otunba
Arijelove is happily married an blessed with
many children incidentally, he shares an
anniversary with our revered Father
Kabiyesi Alayeluwa he was exactly 22years
old on the 13" of April, 1960 when Royal
Father was enthroned and coronated.
By Dr. Jide Ajayi.